Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Mediia Consumers & Producers

How Are We Media Producers And Consumers? ...
We MaKe ThE MeDiA!
Everyday, we are likely to consume atleast 1 type of media. Whether it's the radio, tv, newspapers/magazines, or even the internet!
If it wasn't for us, there would be no media.
Media would be lost, if we didn't have views or opinions.
We produce the newspaper headlines! We produce the music on the radio! We create the websites & we produce the videos you watch on Youtube!
We controll what goes on in the media, what we see, what we hear, and how we consume it!
We also control what people around us consume, what they see and what they hear!

Saturday, 27 September 2008

How does Web 2.0 Affect Me??

How Does Web 2.0 Affect

    • Without the new advanced Web 2.0, I wouldnt be able communicate on social networks such as facebook & msn

    • The sources on the internet would be limited, which are now more varied and alot more websites to choose from.
    • There are more downloading sites such as limewire, and i-tunes which I use frequently, ie on a weekly basis.
    • Sites such as You Tube, which I use for entertainment, eg music videos, and the "randomly came across" videos, and also for educational porposes, would not have been around in the Web 1.0 era, and therefore plays a big part.

This is What Web 2.0 is All About!...

What is Web 2.0?
  • Its is a term used to decribe the changing trends of the World Wide Web technology.
  • It enhances creativity. information sharing, collaboration & functionality of the web.
  • It hosts social netwroking sites, video sharing sites, wikis and BLOGS!
  • In the time of Web 1.0, Netscape was the standard bearer, however for Web 2.0, the globally known Google, is the bearer.

Web 1.0 Trends... 2004 - 2006!

WhAt Is WeB 1.0???
  • Websites which were created from 1994 to 2004.

  • It was illiterate and had slow internet connections.

  • Web 1.0 was used to describe the web, before the ". com" arrived in 2001.

  • All that was reprenting communication in Web 1.0 was were emails and minor chat programmes.