Wednesday, 29 October 2008

..Case Study On Kidulthood..

/..Kidulthood Case Study..\

  • [[KiDULTHOOD]] is a 2007 British Drama Film..Based In West London!

  • Targeted directly at the ‘urban’ youth market/Age group 15-24
  • Represents Youth Culture & Gang crimes in Deprived Areas
  • Tries to present a serious issue to the audience

Language -> 'Ghetto Language' portrays the various slang words the youth use today.

Sound -> Up tempo beat.. keeps rythm going engaging audience to the end..

Camera Shots -> Various close ups for dramatic emhasis on characters' emotions & expressions..

Lighting -> Very dim and dark when violence occurs and bright to emphasise vital areas such as the drugs..

Length of Trailer -> 2:05 .. quite short considering most trailers last about 3/4 minutes

Institutional Values -> To an extent it does educate as it provides audience and younger viewers to to background understanding and knowledge of urban crime and the consequences of it.

Appeal -> It appeals to the audience as it is targeted towards quite a niche/ young audience, which explains why so many younger viewers may watch it as it could relate to them, and especially as the characters are aged around the same age as the targeted audience it makes it seem more realistic.

Setting -> The setting is based in West London especially around deprived areas where crime is most common. The affect of this gives a sense of reality and dramatically emphasises the content of the film.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

*S e l f - E v a l u a t ii o n*

A T T A I N M E N T...
1 - I give myself a 1 because I think that I do try in class, to achieve the lesson objectives etc.
E F F O R T...
1 - I give myself a 1 because I think that even when the work might be hard or confusing, I try to understand and complete the work.
P U N T U A L I T Y...
1 - I give myself a 1 because I have been on time and attended all media lessons.
S U B M I S S I O N &
O F W O R K...
1 - I give myself a 1 because I've handed in every piece of homework and to the best of my ability, and if I feel confident with the work, I try to do extra.
I N D E P E N D A N T L Y...
2 - I give myself a 2 because I can work independantly which is when I'm more likely to focus 100%, however, I work really well in groups as I like collaborating ideas, and presenting them afterwards.
W R I T I N G...
2- I give myself a 2 because I think in class I write most things especially information on slides in note form, which means it might be hard to refer back to in the future, however, my work generally is written well, and easy to understand and remember.
M E D I A F O L D E R...
2 - I give myself a 2 becuase my work isn't separated into 2 sections for both teachers even though its in order in a folder.
C L A S S...
2 - I give myself a 2 because I do contribute when I know the answers, but not as much as I could.
* Can understand the difference between the 3 platforms
* Do all my work to an efficient standard, in both classes
* only need 1 more stamp until accomodation!!
*Organised folder
*Participate in lessons more
* Go through the work to revise the work we have done in previous lessons
*Aim to get that stamp!
  • Silent Pain - I enjoyed this production because the way it was layout was just brilliant. It had the imnpact of an actual documentary, and if it was shown on t.v, to me it would look professional. Also the content behing the acting etc, was significant as it covered a very serious issue in modern day, which is marital rape.

  • Face of Fear - This i also enjoyed very much as a horror production. It seemed very realistic and grabbed my attantion straight away. I enjoyed the acting and the shots were put together effectively which then had an impact on me. It was very out there and I think the pyschopath should have been nominated best actor.

Sunday, 19 October 2008

...Magazine Pitch!

'Busty Babes'...
The New Lads Mag!
  • Reader Profile...
  • The Newest Latest Lads Mag has finally arrived! Aiming at a ranged audience from 19-35 year old males, this mag will include the most important interests of lads in present day! These include, Girls, Cars, Latest Gadgets, and Fashion/Fitness for those who love to be looking good! Targeted audience is particularly aimed at an invidual who wants to enjoy life to the fullest, like there is no tommorow!

Target Advertisers!

  • David Bekham new cologne
  • Phones 4 U/Carphone Warehouse
  • Topman/Baronjon/Burtons
  • Sports Cars- Vauxhall Coupe..& Vintage Cars
  • Rayban/Police brands-Jewellery and sunglasses
  • Calvin Klein-Lacoste
  • x-box
  • FHM-sexiest women
  • HMV-latest film releases and music
  • [Nike] sports wear/fashion

....Competition Time!....

  • The Competition would be promoted by Kalvin Clein & it would involve the reader answering a question to one of the latest products Calvin Klein has brought out. if they got the answer right, there would be a chance on winning a Calvin Klein product out of the choices given, and a photo shoot in the all famous Calvin Klein boutique in New York.

P .I .T .C .H

Marketing Director I am interested in using your brand CALVIN KLEIN, as a competition for our newest magazine arrival 'Busty Babes'. It is the latest mag for 19-35 year old males who may have a wide range of interests in fashion and therefore we have chosen to advertise your products to consequently raise the number of buyers of the magazine. More on, I think the brand would benefit as the people entering this competition would initially win a prize of one of your latest products, and this will as a result perhaps motivate them to buy more, and therfore raising the number of your customers. As Calvin Klein is notorious towards the age range of our audience, it is entirely beneficial to both your brand and our magazine as our targeted audiences are similar.If you accept this propsal, the prize of which will include a photo shoot in a Calvin Klein boutique, will also encourage lads to purchase your clothes as they will have a sense of what they look like in them, and the outcome of this will surely be a positive one. Hopefully this will promote your brand further than present day, and attract readers for our next issue in a month.We have chosen your brand amongst several others, and decided that your brand would be ideal as it would be already popular against our target audience and therefore would have no trouble in attracting more males.As you can see, our proposal to you is highly an advantage to both our brands and doesn't have many cons coming along with it. I look forward to hearing from you and your views towards this proposal and i'm sure we will come to an agreement beneficial to both .

B U S T Y B A B E S ... Lads Mag

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Internet Regulation..!

R E G U L A T I O N...

Issues Surrounding the Internet.

  • When accesssing sites on the internet, there is no real privacy or RULES as to what you can and cannot access.

  • In some way people can access sites through special codes, passwords and techniques.

  • Even on advanced social networking sites such as Facebook, people can still access private, perhaps vital information, and pictures etc... This can then lead onto peadophilia harm, this being the worst of scenario's

  • People can also download illegally; for example music, movies etc.. This is all down to being able to access more or less anything you want at amytime.
  • Also, there is a high risk of computers being hacked into, and also social networking sites such as msn..etc.
  • Businesses are also at high risks as there have been many attemps of fraud, in which some of the cases have actually been successful, and therefore shows how with the right equiptment and knowledge, anyone can cause damage/harm, and anyone or anything can be the victim of it!

The issues surrounding the internet seem to be quite negative, as the invasion of privacy and the statistics of illegal downloading can lead to serious consequences.

Another problem which may not be recognised as much is the fact that information sites such as WIKIPEDIA, are edited perhaps weekly, maybe even daily, and the information that is displayed may not be 100% correct, therfore giving innacurate information.


I N T E R N E T C O R P O R A T I O N f o r A S S I G N E D N A M E and N U M B E R S

  • This corporation was created and set up in 1998
  • It is a [non-profit] corporation
  • The idea and aim of this corporation was to insure the stability of the internet
  • It was also designed to privatize the managment of internet names and addresses

Should There Be A New Organisation?

*ICANN* have been created for a specific purpose and has previously protected many web addresses. However, if problems such as hackings, and peadophilia chaos' are still occuring, it would be safe to say that perhaps the ICANN are not doing their job to a sufficient standard. Either that, or the regulation of this corporation and the time spent towards the internet is not enough, and not as accurate as it should be. If this is the case, then maybe a new organistion should be introduced as well as having the ICANN as that would mean 2 organisations are regularly checking and supervising the internet, and therefore more sites would be safer than now. Also if any inaccurate information was displayed on certain sites, there would be a high chance of something being done about it, rather than that information being kept on the site, and misleading people who use it.

HoW WiLl It bE MoNiToReD???

The internet should be monitored by a consistent site which is shown new postings and editing of sites. There should also be some sort of block to prevent any irrelevant things being posted up.

More on, there could be some sort of limit of how much information you can post up depending on what the information is about and what site is being used. For example, limiting information on sites such as Bebo, Hi 5, Facebook, or Myspace could limit the peadophilia cases, and sites which make it easily accessible for viewers to download should also be limited, or deleted, to prevent any illegal damage.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

An Anthropological Introduction To YouTube

Key Facts About YouTube!

In 1948 - ABC started broadcsting and now has 3 major networks.

ABC has been broadcasting for 60 Years - - -

[ 3 Networks * 60 Years * 365 Days * 24 Hours A Day ]...

YouTube has produced more than this in the last 6 MONTHS. However this may not have been achieved without the help of the producers.. Us!

YouTube was formed to create "New forms of expression, New forms of community, & New forms of identity emerging"


The First Ever Video Which Was Broadcasted On YouTube Was From Webcam..

  • Webcam was created to portray a STRONGER VOICE

  • It is the celebration of new forms of improvement, & UNIMAGINABLE POSSIBILITY

  • It is the new form of GLOBAL CONNECTION


E X A M P L E...

A song which originated from Europe in 2004, was was made into a video on broadcatsed on YouTube.

The amount of viewings for the video reached an impressive 600,000,000

This shows how much easier it is becoming to connect with people...

This is what WEB 2.0 is all about..."linking people, sharing, trading & collaborating"

EVERY 6 MONTHS, there is a new tool out there that connects us in someway.

  • User Generated Organisation

  • User Generated Distribution

  • User Generated Commentary

[ MediaScape ]

We are at the CENTRE of the mediascape

Media mediate human RELATIONS.. When media changes.. Human realtionships change

Who Watches ?

25% of TEENS & 35+ Consume Youtube or become a producer of what we watch

50% Of 18-24 year olds watch YouTube

C H A R L I E B I T M Y F I N G E R.... >>> This video was viewed over a staggering 30 MILLION TIMES, and most videos on yuotube are only ever viwed less than 100 times.

The most common videos which are posted up are HOME VIDEOS!

10 000 videos are addressed to YOUTUBE... "community"
Cultural Imersion = Expression In Individualism + Value in Community
"The More Individual You Become.. The More You Desire For Community...
What Is
P A R T I C I P A N T O B S E R V A T I O N?
  • "Participant Observation Is Introducing Yourself To The Community"
  • "It Is About Participating In What You Study, Rather Than Just Observing It"

What is Aesthetic Arrest???

People can do what they want when watching a video....

They can express themselves without having to worry about the norms of society....