Wednesday, 29 October 2008

..Case Study On Kidulthood..

/..Kidulthood Case Study..\

  • [[KiDULTHOOD]] is a 2007 British Drama Film..Based In West London!

  • Targeted directly at the ‘urban’ youth market/Age group 15-24
  • Represents Youth Culture & Gang crimes in Deprived Areas
  • Tries to present a serious issue to the audience

Language -> 'Ghetto Language' portrays the various slang words the youth use today.

Sound -> Up tempo beat.. keeps rythm going engaging audience to the end..

Camera Shots -> Various close ups for dramatic emhasis on characters' emotions & expressions..

Lighting -> Very dim and dark when violence occurs and bright to emphasise vital areas such as the drugs..

Length of Trailer -> 2:05 .. quite short considering most trailers last about 3/4 minutes

Institutional Values -> To an extent it does educate as it provides audience and younger viewers to to background understanding and knowledge of urban crime and the consequences of it.

Appeal -> It appeals to the audience as it is targeted towards quite a niche/ young audience, which explains why so many younger viewers may watch it as it could relate to them, and especially as the characters are aged around the same age as the targeted audience it makes it seem more realistic.

Setting -> The setting is based in West London especially around deprived areas where crime is most common. The affect of this gives a sense of reality and dramatically emphasises the content of the film.

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